Current players

Published on October 3rd, 2010 | by Staples Soccer


Staples Soccer Supports ABC House

Every year, the Staples boys soccer team offers itself to the A Better Chance of Westport auction.  The Wreckers are proud to support this great organization that impacts Staples and the town so positively.

The Lindenbaum family “bought” the team this year, and today 9 varsity players organized soccer games for Ollie Lindenbaum’s 10th birthday party.  Ollie’s friends, and the Staples guys — Ryan Armour, Frankie Bergonzi, Sean Gallagher, AJ Green, Max Hoberman, Jake Malowitz, Taylor McNair, Steve Smith and Alex Tonsberg — all had plenty of fun.

Thanks to the Wreckers for helping develop a new generation of players — and happy birthday, Ollie!

Current and future Staples stars get together to support ABC House.

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