The Loeffler Scholarship – named in honor of the founder of the Staples soccer program – has become one of the most prestigious awards at the high school. Presented annually at the Scholar-Athlete banquet, it goes to one or two graduating seniors who have demonstrated the qualities that Mr. Loeffler embodied:  academic excellence and integrity; athletic skill and contributions, and strong family values. Awardees must have played at least 1 year at the varsity level in one of the sports Mr. Loeffler coached: soccer, basketball, baseball and track.  Nominations come from coaches of the sports listed above; final selection is made by the Loeffler Scholarship committee.

Funds come from the annual November Turkey Bowl and December indoor tournament, and contributions. Click below to donate (it’s tax-deductible!)

Checks may be made out to “Loeffler Athletic Scholarship Fund,”  and sent to:  David Wilson, 28  Craw Avenue, Rowayton, CT 06853. For further information, email Dave Wilson ’75: If your company has a matching grant program, please let Dave know.

Previous winners have gone on to do great things. Click here for an update on some of them!


(* indicates Staples boys soccer player)

2024: Aldo Lopez*
2023: Josh Deitch*, Samantha DeWitt
2022: Jaden Mueller*
2021: Charlotte Barnes
2020: No awardee
2019: Vaughan Sealey*
2018: Anna Sivinski
2017: Shane Dasbach*, Griffin O’Neill*
2016: Andres Marmelo*
2015: Denzel Robinson*
2014:  Yousef Shahin*
2013:  Greg Shikowitz*
2012:  Colleen McCarthy
2011:  Nicole Brill
2010:  Michael McCarthy*
2009:  Jairo Alvarado*
2008:  Jackson Lesser*
2007:  Ben King*, Sarah Yeager
2006:  Kelly Wall
2005:  Chris Meinke*, Kristi Toole
2004:  Anne-Claire Roesch
2003:  Anna Dowdle
2002:  Leigh Trucks
2001:  Matt Katz*
2000:  Tyler Head*
1999:  Ryan Durst*
1998:  Amanda Watson
1997:  Rachel Mason
1996:  Kristin Ryan
1995:  Kenzie DeVito
1994:  Todd Champagne*, Francesca Ryan
1993:  Eric Volckmann*
1989:  Tom Sheeran
1988:  Caryn Dutton
1986:  Heidi Schulman, Jono Sollinger*
1985:  Karin Volckmann
1984:  Kristin Abely, Todd Coleman*
1983:  Amy Constantikes
1982:  Dan Donovan*
1981:  Patricia Constantikes
1980:  Dave Halper*, Denise Paull
1979:  Gordon Hull*
1978:  Claire Pastor
1977:  Lisa Brummel, Phil Moen*