General news

Published on August 19th, 2011 | by Staples Soccer


Larry Hoy P’12, Ned Hickok P’12, Dylan Hoy Refurbish Terrace

Parents Larry Hoy and Ned Hickok, plus rising junior Dylan Hoy, spent several hours this week cleaning the benches and granite at the Loeffler Field terrace.

They used a pressure washer and abrasive pads.  The trio also thoroughly cleaned the metal brackets underneath the benches, and washed the granite.

It was a dirty job — but necessary for the upcoming season.

Next up:  applying oil.  They’re waiting for 2 to 3 days of clear weather — hopefully soon.

Once the oil is applied, the benches will be much darker.  The beautiful wood grain will be much more visible.

“This is one of those unnoticed tasks that are so important to our program,” said head coach Dan Woog.  “No one notices the hard work that goes into keeping Loeffler Field the first-class facility that it is.  The entire program owes Larry, Ned and Dylan huge thanks for their great work.

Ned Hickok P'12 (left) and Larry Hoy P'12, hard at work.

(Want to help oil the benches?  Email

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