General news

Published on July 17th, 2013 | by Staples Soccer


Job Available: Database Work For Top Of The Hill Team

A job is available for a player, alumnus or other Staples soccer fan.

The goal is to update the Top of the Hill database. It involves moving data from an Excel spreadsheet to new software (possibly Constant Comment), then building the database further by seeking out missing and incorrect contact details.

Pay is $10 an hour.

If interested, email

At the 50th Staples soccer celebration in 2008, alumni from the 1990s got together. It's time to verify their data again. From left: Zack Randel, David Nayor, Alex Deegan, former coach Jeff lea, Andrew Clement, Tim Caffrey.

At the 50th Staples soccer celebration in 2008, alumni from the 1990s got together. It’s time to verify their data again. From left: Zack Randel, David Nayor, Alex Deegan, former coach Jeff Lea, Andrew Clement and Tim Caffrey.

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